Respiratory Therapy Frequently Asked Questions
- Who are respiratory therapy practitioners
- What is the nature of their work/what do they do?
- Where do they work? Where are job opportunities available?
- How much money could I make as a respiratory therapist?
- What is the job outlook?
- Is respiratory therapy right for me?
- What are the prerequisites for the program?
- How are decisions made about who is accepted into the program?
- I understand that acceptance is based on a point system. What are the criteria to earn points?
- How does the admission process for the program work?
- Do I need to complete all of the prerequisites before my application will be considered?
- When will I be notified if I have been accepted to the program?
- Should I do job shadowing in the field of respiratory therapy? Is job shadowing the same as the hospital tour on the application?
- How do I know if courses taken at other colleges will transfer to Jackson College to fulfill prerequisite requirements?
- When does enrollment take place?
- What methods are used to teach students?
- What is the basic curriculum for a degree in respiratory therapy?
- Would I be allowed to work while I am in the program?
- How much does the program cost?
- How long is the program?
- Is the program accredited?
- How many hours a week must I attend clinical?
- Can I go to clinical at night or on weekends?
- Where do I go for my clinical education?
- If I were to complete the program, would I be eligible to become registered
- Will completing the program allow me to acquire a Michigan license?